A beautiful Day

February 1, 2008 at 8:08 pm (friendship, Life, Love, poems, poetry, Romance, Uncategorized)

A Beautiful Day


Cory James Lynch

Dedicated To

Jennifer Rose Lynch

My Soon To Be Wife

The best day in the world is spent with you and no one else

I could not even imagine my self with another person while being your man and dragon you Shake Spear. Or even if we ended.

I could think of a thousand reason why I want to be with you and here are just a few.

  1. You make me smile like no one else has before

  2. You hold me dearest and make me feel good when im sad or sick

  3. You make me feel good to be who I am not what I am not.

  4. You tell me everything I ask without holding back or lying.

    The best day in the world is spent with you and no one else

I could tell you how beautiful you are but it wouldn’t be as meaning full as if I were to show you.

I could tell you how your eyes captivate me but I would rather show you

I could tell you that I am blushing but I would rather have you see it

I could play you a thousand love songs but none of them would be able to compare how much I love you.

If I was asked to write a book on how I love you and why I would simply have to refuse because it would never be finished as well as words cannot say it at all only my actions and time spent with you can.

The best day in the world is spent with you and no one else

Oh the things that I would do for you.

I would take a bullet so I would die and you could live

I would step in front of a bat,pipe or what ever and take the pain for you just so you don’t have to feel it.

I would walk in front of a car and push you out of the way just so you can live

I would walk as many miles as it took just to see you and be by your side and to have you hold me in your arms.

I would walk,drive or hitch a ride to you where ever you were so that if you missed me or needed a sholdure to cry on you could have one.

There isn’t a thing in the world that would stop me from being with you or seeing you.

I will protect you forever and never stop even when we are both dead.

I love you Jennifer Rose Lynch

And I hope to be your husband.


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